Information Management (IM)

This field is a strategic response to society’s changing needs. It will continue to evolve as organizations cope with the proliferation and complexity of new information technologies and services. It is the first of its kind in Southeast Asia.

Information is an essential resource for academic excellence, competitiveness in business and industry, scientific progress, and national development. Like any other resource, information must be managed. High-quality sources must be located, and arrangements must be made for access to timely, accurate, appropriate, and cost-effective information. Technological advances in telecommunications and the hardware and software of computing can be utilized to provide optimum access to information.

The need for information management skills in government and private organizations is increasingly recognized. People knowledgeable in methods of facilitating information collection, dissemination, and use are in demand. Such persons should also be skilled in identifying information needs and in accessing, repackaging, and presenting information in such a way that it can be utilized in support of the objectives of the users.

The Information Management curriculum is designed to prepare students to respond to four basic challenges confronting organizations today:

  • Planning the effective use of information and utilization of communication technologies within organizations;
  • Developing corporate and government policies to maximize the benefits resulting from the widespread use of these technologies;
  • Improving the strategic management of information resources in business, government, and non-profit organizations;
  • Increasing the productivity and creativity of managers and executives who work with information resources.


Programs leading to the award of AIT’s Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Technical Science, Master of Engineering, Master of Science, diploma, and certificate are offered.

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Research Focus Area

  • Communication technologies
  • Information resources
  • Computer Science
  • Data modeling and management
  • Data mining
  • Information retrieval

Preferred background

  • Master Program

Applicants for admission to the field of Information Management should have a strong quantitative background, preferably in computer science or computer engineering, information system or information science, telecommunications, electronic or electrical engineering, applied mathematics, or statistics. Applicants from other fields of information service can also be considered if they have already worked as information professionals. In those cases, additional technology-related courses may be required.

  • Doctoral Program

One should have a good master’s degree in one of the above disciplines.

Course Structure

Master Program Requirements: 48 Credits (2 Years)

Thesis OptionResearch Option 1Research Option 2
Required Courses (4 courses)12 credits12 credits12 credits
Elective Courses14 credits12 credits24 credits
Thesis22 credits
Research Study/Internship12 credits12 credits
Minor/Exchange12 credits
TOTAL48 credits48 credits48 credits

Doctoral Program Requirements: 84 Credits (3 Years)

Coursework12 credits
Dissertation72 credits
TOTAL84 credits

Course List

Course NumberCourse TitleSemesterCredit(s)TypeInstructor
AT71.03E-Business Development and TechnologyAugust3(45-0)ElectiveVatcharaporn Esichaikkul
AT71.05Information Systems Development and ManagementAugust3(30-15)RequiredChutiporn Anutariya
AT71.07Information Retrieval and Data MiningAugust3(45-0)ElectiveSumanta Guha
AT82.02Data Modeling and ManagementAugust3(45-0)RequiredChutiporn Anutariya
AT82.04Business Intelligence and AnalyticsJanuary3(45-0)RequiredVatcharaporn Esichaikul
AT82.09HCI and Information VisualizationJanuary3(45-0)RequiredChaklam Silpasuwanchai