Dr.Chaklam Silpasuwanchai


Dr. Chaklam Silpasuwanchai is an Assistant Professor at the Computer Science and Information Management Program, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand.  He received his Ph.D. and postdoc under the supervision of  XiangshiRenCenter for Human-Engaged Computing, Japan.

His AIT Brain Lab works in the area of natural language processing and brain computer interfaces.

He is a recipient of a KAKENHI Young Scientist granta Young Scientist grant by TRF, a National Science and Technology Development Agency Toray Science grant,  and a member of a JST grant project.


  1. Ph.D. in Computer Science, Kochi University of Technology, Japan (2017)
  2. M.E. in Computer Science, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand (2011)
  3. B.Sc. in Computer Science, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thailand, (2008)


  1. EEG BCI Speller: Develop a real-time speller using EEG for locked-in patients.
  2. Large Language Models: Develop conversational AI for legal question answering, corporate chatbots, summarization, etc. using large language models.
  3. Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measuring Using Raman Spectroscopy: Utilize Raman Spectroscopy to non-invasively measure blood glucose through fingernails.
  4. Medical Imaging: Utilize deep learning and language models for medical image analysis and explanations.


  1. AT82.03 Machine Learning
  2. AT82.05 Artificial Intelligence: Natural Language Understanding
  3. AT82.09 Human-Computer Interaction and Information Visualization


  1. Pananookooln, C., Akaranee, J., and Silpasuwanchai, C.. Comparing Selective Masking Methods for Depression Detection in Social Media. Computational Linguistics. 2023. (IF: 7.778)
  2. Niksirat, KS., Silpasuwanchai, C., Cheng, P. and Ren, X. Attention Regulation Framework: Designing Self-Regulated Mindfulness Technologies. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. 26, 6, Article 39 (November 2019), 44 pages. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1145/3359593. (IF: 2.227)
  3. Niksirat, KS., Silpasuwanchai, C. and Ren, X. Sex Differences in relationship between flow proneness in everyday life and gray matter of the dopaminergic system: a cross-sectional study. Personality and Individual Differences 141. 2019. (IF: 2.390)
  4. Silpasuwanchai, C., Ma, X., Shigemasu, H., and Ren, X. Developing a Comprehensive Engagement Framework of Gamification for Reflective Learning. Proc. ACM DIS 2016. (Acceptance rate: 108/418=26%) 
  5. Silpasuwanchai, C. and Ren, X. Designing Concurrent Full-Body Gestures for Intense Gameplay. International Journal of Human Computer Studies 80 (1), Elsevier, 2015. (IF: 5.4)


  1.  Royal Golden Jubilee PhD.: RGJPHD by National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) (PI):  Developing Question-Answering system using Large Language Models for Thai Applications (1,690,000 Baht).
  2.  Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (co-PI): Telehealth Monitoring and Assistive Systems for Elderly and Disabled People (14,000,000 Baht).
  3.  Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation (MHESI), Young Scientist (PI): Hybrid P300-SSVEP BCI Speller for Thai Language (595,000 Baht).
  4.  Thailand Science Research and Innovation (TSRI) (PI): Hybrid P300-SSVEP BCI Speller for Thai Language (124,750 Baht).
  5.  Thailand Toray Science (PI): National Science and Technology Development Agency: Hybrid P300-SSVEP BCI Speller for Thai Language (190,000 Baht).
  6.  Stamford Competitive Internal Grants (PI): Developing Brain-Computer Interfaces Using P300 (234,000 Baht), .(The acceptance rate is around 30%.)
  7.  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research by MEXT (PI): Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (No.16K21300) (4,992,000 JPY): Investigating Cognitive Enhancement of Elderly People by Using Motion Video Games.(The acceptance rate is around 20-25%.)
  8.  Japan-Finland Collaborative Research Projects by JST, AF and Tekes (co-PI): Japan-Finland Collaborative Research Projects by JST, AF and Tekes (18,000,000 JPY): User Interface Design for the Ageing Population.(The acceptance rate is 18%.) 


  1. Best ACM CHI paper awards – 2017
  2. Honorable Mentions by the ICACHI community 2015
  3. Special Scholarship Program Full Scholarship : Granted by the Kochi Prefecture to students with academic
    achievements for pursuing a Doctoral Degree at Kochi University of Technology, Kochi, Japan. 2012-2015
  4. Royal Thai Government Full Scholarship : Granted by the Royal Thai Government to students with academic
    achievements for pursuing a Master Degree at Asian Institute of Technology, Pathum Thani, Thailand. 2009-2011.
  5. 2nd Place Award for Thailand National Open-Sourced Software Contest: Awarded for a sketch recognition algorithm for diagram construction. 2008.


  1. Machine Learning
  2. Deep Learning
  3. Natural Language Processing
  4. Brain Computer Interfaces
  5. EEG