You can use CSIM FTP server upload and download files. The server is also providing a secure FTP option
FTP server
FTP server runs on, and can be access using your user name and password, or through anonymous access at
Because the same security rules applies everywhere on CSIM network, you cannot use your password to access the FTP server from outside CSIM building.
Secure FTP server
Another solution is to use secure FTP (SFTP).
SFTP does crypted file transfer. Encrypted transfer is only needed when you access your own account with your own password. For anonymous transfer, you can go with standard FTP.
The secure FTP server is at the same address as the FTP server,
It uses a different protocol from FTP, so a different client too:
- PuTTY SFTP is a command line client, part of Simon Tatham suite of SSH clients. You have to use commands to upload and download files, like in a standard FTP client.
Sample of PuTTY SFTP session
- window client, that is freely downlodable for education. The client is nicer, but before downloading, you need to spend time to fill-up a licence agreement.
Example of SFTP session